Next Widget Lesson, my first app on the store!
I started android development during my master lessons back in 2017. Few projects where made, few little apps too but nothing never ended up on the google play store.
After my last android lesson, I always wanted to experiment with it. I followed lesson about human-machine interface, played a bit with android wearable, instant app and last little project was to simply do a little android widget.
And this simple little widget ended up as a full application that I’ll present you here!
The main goal of the widget is, as you could guess by its name, to show you the next lesson you have to follow.
But to know which lesson you follow, you have to at first create your planning, that’s where the application user interface come. You can create your full planning, adding a new lesson, modifying, duplicating or deleting them.
To manage all this, you have a preference menu that let you choose different planning file, opening it with another app or even sending it to all your classmate.
The application is for now fully translated in English and French.