My Homemade Synthesizers


On this page, you can find different synthesizers, sequencers, and other devices linked to electronic music. All those devices are homemade and built in the context of the helixbyte project, an Instagram page where I feature all my DIY projects.



Concept Synthesizer

RGB to sound synthesizer

The main idea behind this concept synthesizer was to turn an RGB sensor into three different audio signals, one for each color channel. By making RGB discs rotate on a specific frequency controlled by midi, it is possible to output three oscillators with only one disc. By adding multiple bands with different frequencies on the disc, it was possible to change the octave of the oscillators while playing.


Being a ukulele and synth enthusiast, I had the idea to integrate eurorack modules inside an electric ukulele to create an experimental instrument. The instrument embeds two rows of 1u 42 hp racks.  

The whole body of the ukulele has been custom-made to integrate all the electronic needed for the synthesizer to work.


Eurorack modules


lx-euclid x ATOVPROJECT

The lx-euclid, a collaboration with AtoVproject, is a 4-channel trigger sequencer with a standout feature: two touch-sensitive rings that redefine hands-on control.

These rings, paired with full colour circular display, offer an unparalleled, intuitive interface designed for fast, real-time performance.


The MIDI-MULTI-TOOL is a powerful 36HP Eurorack module that lets you take one MIDI input and transforms it into 4 independent CV/Gate/Mod outputs.

It also embedded one LDR and 3 potentiometers to uses as CV outputs. Those potentiometers can be overdriven by externals motorized potentiometers.


The MIDI-sync-power-dev-board has been created to expand other boards, this 4hp Eurorack module simplifies electronic development. It offers isolated 5V and 3.3V outputs, Sync in, TTL level signal conversion, and configurable MIDI I/O.

Its main purpose it to be used during your dev phase or as an expander.



The lx-sw-btn is a 2HP eurorack module with 4 customizable switches enabled CV outputs!

With two buttons and two switches, the lx-sw-btn enables four CV "on-off" outputs. This will allow you to use the switches not only as triggers but also for precise CV control.

eurorack 4x4 connection matrix

The eurorack 4x4 connection matrix or lx-euromat-001 is a simplified 4x4 version of the lx-mat-001. This version is eurorack compatible with a size of 22 hp.


Synthesizers, sequencers, midi controllers


The Canvas is a cordless patchable West Cost Synthesizer. This synthesizer is born from a collaboration with the Synthux Academy. Its design is inspired by the famous Easel by Buchla.


MY-DIRTY-SYTH is my first synthesizer made with the Simple Kit by Synthux academy. It is a digital synthesizer featuring oscillators with 2 octaves, wavefolder, decimator, svf filter, and a VCA/LPG.


lx-bank-001 is a digital filter bank (with unique feedback resonance implementation). Making a digital filter bank adds the possibility to tune the filter perfectly. Thanks to this ability, the lx-bank-001 is tuned following the circle of fifth with 12 banks tuned from G3 to C9


The Miditel is a Midi keyboard built with a Mini-tel keyboard. The key layout is inspired by an accordion keyboard. Its features are highly inspired by the Arturia Keystep including Normal play, sequencer, or arpeggiator. In addition, it embedded a small Oled screen and give unique a multi-sequencer feature

MIDI tape

The basis of the MIDI Tape project or lx-melo-001 is the Cassette Recorder N2234 made by Philips in 1982. The main goal of this project is to drive the speed of the tape with MIDI signal to create an instrument inspired by the Mellotron.

8x8 connection matrix

The 8x8 connection matrix or lx-mat-001 can let you connect or patch 8 inputs to outputs using the matrix of 64 buttons. It is possible to load and save a patch in memory.

Motorized sequencer

The Motorized Sequencer or lx-sep-001 is a simple 8 steps sequencer with 8 potentiometers linked to 8 motors. It is possible to save the position of the potentiometers in memory and “reload” it. It is also possible to make the potentiometers run in a completer random mode.




Minitel screen for video synthesis
(composite video to minitel)

The Minitel was quite a popular computer like device in the late 80s in France. Its screen could only display text with some early graphic with ascii art.

Since the Miditel project, I had a Minitel screen lying around. I decided to make a custom PCB (inspired by cfp-radio work) to add composite video to the Minitel and so be able to use it as a cool retro video synthesis display.