3D Lucas Bonvin 3D Lucas Bonvin

HighPoly and LowPoly Mechanical Hand

You may have already seen my last project which was a compilation of low poly (low polygon) animals with some server on them. (If you haven’t seen them, go to my portfolio quick!)

After all those low poly modelling, I wanted to change, going back to some realistic (high poly) stuff but… low poly was still a good time. So what I’ve done? I decided to do a big project in double, one time in low poly and one time realistic .

So I decided to work on a mechanical hand. I always wanted to model some kind of robot or mechanical machine so here it is.

On the right, you can see the modelling process of a finger and then the hand. Upper pictures are for the future realistic render and lower pictures for the low poly render.

All the work has been made with blender from the modelling to the render and compositing. Each hand are composed of 359 parts and you’ve understood the concept both of those 359 parts have been modelled twice, once for the high poly version and then for the low poly version.

On the right is the final render with a little slider that will help you to see both renders. For the low poly, I stayed with some kind of cell shading with freestyle lines using cycle render engine. For the high poly render I did only with procedural texture all using cycle render engine again.

Finally just above you can see the final render in full resolution if you click on them. Hope you enjoyed this project as much as I did while doing it!

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3D Lucas Bonvin 3D Lucas Bonvin

Isaac's Halloween


Back in 2015 for a programming lesson at the HES-SO, we had to create a little project in Java that includes a graphical interface. I quickly made the choice to do all the graphism from this little project in Blender. Now only one thing is missing: the concept of the project. After some research, it has been decidee to create a little roguelike game that will 'copy' the concept of The Binding of Isaac (for further comprehension of this post, visit the original Binding of Isaac webpage) but with original graphics, new monsters, new custom rooms etc...

The game featured a fully procedurally generated dungeon with random rooms, random monsters, random obstacles, one boss room and possibly two secrets rooms.

Three kinds of monsters were designed, a boss and the hero. All these little monsters have their own sprite sheet with an example for the flying pumpkin on the right gallery.


If you have any questions about this project, the comment section is just under the article :)
Finally here are some screenshots of what the actual game looks like:

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